2020 Symposium
2020 Parenting Education Symposium June 11, 2020, from 10:00 to 3:00, at the U of M, St. Paul Student Center
Education.png The Parenting Education Symposia are designed to be active, engaging forums where participants discuss, share, and collaborate in order to advance the work of parent and family education. Similar to last year, we will be learning about and discussing homelessness and how it impacts children and families. For 2020, there is more of a focus on participant discussion and our practice. Ending homelessness and its negative impact on children and families requires collaboration and a knowledgeable, skilled workforce. We must understand the needs of families experiencing homelessness and make connections to resources that best meet those needs (from Heading Home Together plan). Short presentations by experts in the field will be followed by small group discussion and sharing. The overall goal is to emphasize the importance of our work as family professionals, and to generate and learn new strategies for effective, high-quality work with families and with each other. Together, we will lead, learn, and build in order better meet the needs of practitioners and leaders who work with families.

Symposium Overview:
The 2020 Parenting Education Symposium is designed to be an engaging, productive forum where participants learn, discuss, and share ideas and suggestions for the effectively meeting the needs of children and families who have experienced trauma, particularly homelessness.

  1. Learn about homelessness in Minnesota and how it impacts children and families.
  2. Learn about and discuss Heading Home Together: Minnesota’s 2018-2020 Action Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.
  3. Learn about and discuss strategies for working with families who have experienced, or are experiencing, trauma, particularly homelessness.
  4. Discuss and learn about the work currently being done, available resources, and models of collaboration.

$15 registration fee provides lunch, and helps support space rental fee.
Registration Link
Click Here or go to: https://learning.umn.edu/portal/events/reg/participantTypeSelection.do?method=load&entityId=20791497

See Homelessness page on this website.



Parenting Educator Competencies: A Resource Document For the Field of Parenting Education
Click Here, National Parenting Education Network (NPEN)

Wisconsin Core Competencies for Family Support Professionals
Click Here, Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board

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