- Overview
- More Information
- Agenda
- Presenter FAQs
- Registration
- Planning
- Series History
- Participants
- Family Engagement Modules
2017 Parenting Education Symposium | June 8, 2017, from 10:00 to 3:00, at MDE |
Click Here for 2018 Symposium page The Parenting Education Symposium is an active, engaging forum where participants discuss, share, and build best and promising programming and services in parent and family education. The goal is to highlight the scope and depth of parenting education in Minnesota by bringing together leaders from a variety of fields with practitioners delivering parenting education in a variety of contexts and modalities. Together, we will lead, learn, and build in order better meet the needs of children and their families in our communities. |
Symposium Overview:
The 2017 Parenting Education Symposium is designed to be an engaging, productive forum where participants discuss and share best and promising practices in parent and family education.
- One goal is to highlight the scope and depth of parenting education programming and services in Minnesota. The symposium will bring together leaders from a variety of fields and practitioners who design/deliver parenting education in a variety of contexts and modalities.
- A second goal is to collaborate on building or enhancing parenting education services, programs, and/or systems.
More Information
Who Should Participate?:
Leaders and practitioners who provide some type of educational services/programming to parents/families with children before birth up to third grade. The symposium seeks participants representing systems (e.g., education, human services, health care, justice/corrections, etc.), programs (e.g., child care, community-based, ECFE, Head Start, Title I), and services (e.g., home visiting, early childhood screening, court-ordered parents, etc.).
The symposium is designed for practitioners/leaders to share their parenting programs/services/expertise with colleagues. Sharing is in the form of small group poster sessions. For more information, see the Presenters tab. The symposium is also a great opportunity to learn about programs and services that you may want to provide, network with other professionals who work with families, and/or a way to enhance what you are currently providing.
When and Where?:
June 8, 2017, 10:00-3:00 at the Minnesota Department of Education, Conference Center B, room CC16. Space is limited to 80, registration tab is above.
Symposium theme is "Lead. Learn. Build."
Leaders collaborate to design, implement, and supervise parenting programs and services.
They advocate for parents and families.Minnesota has long been a leader in parenting education, from nationally-recognized parenting authors to the country's only public school parenting education program. Parenting education can be formal or informal, universal or targeted, and it can be delivered in a variety of contexts by a variety of professionals.
Leaders exemplify lifelong learning and growth mindset.
Those who work with parents and families understand that learning is a constant feature of our profession. This includes learning about ourselves, learning about families, and learning from others. Parenting education leaders are committed to learning, growing, and continually improving.
Leaders build organizations and systems. They empower and build competencies. They help build opportunities.
Leaders have the knowledge and skills to not only replicate evidence-based programs, but to innovate by creating new programs and services. They develop
new settings for parenting education, including schools, Head Start, Corrections, Primary Health Care, and others. They understand families are a part of
systems, and that our work must continually address the complex systems impacting families.
Participants Will:
- Have the opportunity to showcase and share their parenting programs/services/research with colleagues.
- Actively engage in discussion and planning.
- Learn about a variety of parenting programs and services.
- Network with other professionals who work with families or have expertise in families.
Parenting Education Symposium
Minnesota Department of Education, Conference Center B, CC16
Thursday, June 8, 2017
9:30 - Arrival and Check-In
10:00 - Welcome to the 2017 Parenting Education Symposium
Click Here for Presentation, Mike Brown, Minnesota Department of Education
Click Here for Printed Agenda
10:10 - Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice
Chris Bray, Ph.D., Co-Director Ambit Network Center for Resilient Families, Institute for Translational Research in Children's Mental Health
Tanner Zimmerman, Learning Collaborative Coordinator
The Center for Resilient Families
Click Here
10:40 - Poster Walkabout and Collaborative Work
11:20 - Strategies Used in Primary Pediatric Well Care that Promote Collaboration
Elsa Nisswandt Keeler, MD, MPH, FAAP, HealthPartners, Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Parenting Education in Primary Care to Promote Social Emotional Development
[[file PES Elsa Keeler.pdf | Click Here
11:50 - Welcome and Parenting Education in Minnesota Early Childhood Programs
Melvin Carter, Executive Director of the Minnesota Children’s Cabinet
12:10 - Lunch
During this time participants also discuss what they have learned with their team/group members and colleagues.
12:35 - Welcome from MDE Deputy Commissioner Charlene Briner
12:40 - Family and Community Engagement Tools
Betty Emarita, Development and Training, Inc.
Family and Community Knowledge Systems: New Tools for Engagement
Click Here
The Center for Family and Community Data, Knowledge, and Well-Being
Click Here
The Family and Community Engagement Tools (FaCET) survey process
Click Here for Flyer
1:10 - Poster Walkabout and Collaborative Work
1:50 - Parent Education Matters: Timing, Intensity & Duration and Collaboration
Glen Palm, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, St. Cloud St. University
Click Here for Presentation
2:20 - Poster Walkabout and Collaborative Work
2:50 - Putting It All Together and Next Steps
Click Here
Presenter FAQs
The Parenting Education Symposium has two types of presenters:
- Topic
- Poster
Topic presenters will present to the whole group. Topics will be related to families (e.g., family needs, family risk factors, family diversity, parenting education programs/services, working with families, importance of collaborative work, etc.). Topics may also be related to family services, programs, or systems.
Poster presenters will share their work informally with small groups. Poster topics will be related to parenting education programs, services, or systems. These may be targeted to specific populations (e.g., teen parents, fathers, parents with children with special needs, families experiencing homelessness, parents of infants, etc.), specific programs or services (e.g., home visiting, Early Childhood Screening, Parents Forever, specific parenting interventions, etc.), general programs or services (e.g., parenting curricula/interventions, outreach, mental health, two-generation approaches, etc.), new or innovative programs or services and information/research related to families and/or parenting education.
If you have questions that are not addressed below, please contact Mike Brown at su.nm.etats|nworb.p.ekim#su.nm.etats|nworb.p.ekim
Poster presenters will describe their poster topic on the registration form.
Q & A
Q: How many people are you expecting to attend?
A: Registration is limited to 95.
Q: How will the room be set up?
A: Square or rectangle table arrangement with seating for 6-8. There will be space on the perimeter of the room to accommodate poster sessions.
Q: Who is the audience?
A: We are hoping professionals from a variety of backgrounds and professions will register. For example, Head Start, health care, public health, ECFE, K-12, child care, community-based organizations, higher education, etc. Since space is limited, it is hoped that leaders are able to represent various fields. In short, the audience will be people who work with parents/families providing some type of education and professionals who teach/train those who work with parents/families. It is likely that the majority of participants will be from ECFE programs.
Q: Do I have to be an "expert" in order to be a Topic presenter?
A: Since Topic presenters will be presenting to a group of 90-100 parenting/family professionals, we are looking for presenters with expertise in their field or the topic.
Q: How long are Topic presentations?
A: Topic presentations are either 20 or 30 minutes. Presenters can determine what they want to convey to the audience in this time period.
Q: Do I have to be an "expert" in order to be a Poster presenter?
A: Not at all (just an expert on the program or services you are discussing)!
Q: Do I have to be a "parenting educator" to be a presenter?
A: No. We are using a broad definition of parenting education (a professional who provides some type of education related to parenting). This ranges from those who do family engagement in schools, to health care providers who work with parenting issues, to those who provide intensive parenting interventions.
Q: What does a poster session look like?
A: Poster session time is informal. During each poster session, their will be 4-5 topics around the perimeter of the room. Participants will have the opportunity to visit and discuss the poster topics with presenters. Poster session time is also a time for group or collaborative work, so some participants may stay at their tables.
Q: What should be included on the poster?
A: The purpose of the poster is to provide a visual of the information you want to convey to participants (i.e., a graphic presentation of your parenting education initiative, program, service, etc.). You may want to illustrate your work by using graphs, photos, diagrams and a small amount of text on the poster. Presenters should decide how they want to design their poster(s). They can be formal (like posters on poster board that you would see at a research conference) or informal (created using poster paper, like self-stick easel paper). Presenters may also include handouts.
Information can also be included on this webpage, so this will be another medium to convey your information/message.
Q: Will poster presenters have a table?
A: We will try to do our best to accommodate each presenter. If a presenter has a tri-fold presentation board, a table would be best suited to display the board. If a presenter has created a poster on self-adhering poster paper, he/she may prefer to just hang them on the wall. In short, please let us know your preferences. We will also have some easels available.
Q: I am a poster presenter, do I stay for the entire day?
A: It would be great if you could stay. The poster walkabout time is also a collaborative time.
Q: Can I be a poster presenter for more than one session?
A: Definitely! Presenters can present on the same topic twice or present on another topic. If you would like to present your topic twice, just let Mike know. We will also have a resource area where you can display information (or make information available).
Q: I'm passionate about a topic and am wondering if it is better for a Topic or Poster presentation?
A: Please email Mike (su.nm.etats|nworb.p.ekim#su.nm.etats|nworb.p.ekim) with any questions.
Topic Areas
- CAAL: This presentation will discuss how CAAL works with parents and community leaders to use their voices to influence policy change.
- Celebrating Families: A 16 week course for families involved in Drug Court. Collaboration with Drug Court/Probation, New Ulm Medical Center, and Brown County Family Services.
- Early Childhood Screening
- Home Visiting & Child Care Visits
- LENA Start in ECFE: leveraging technology to close the word gap. LENA Start is a program to empower parents to build their child's language development. LENA Start Launches in Minneapolis Public Schools
- Minnesota Oral Health Project, its mission, vision, goals and strategies.
- PACER: Materials developed for parents to educated them about special education system and their rights and responsibilities within it.
- Parent Education at Minneapolis Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) Schools.
- ParentPowered Texts
- Parents as a Foundational Partner within an Early Childhood Center.
- Reach Out and Read: Reach Out and Read gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.
- Social Emotional Strategies Team. This group supports teachers, students, and parents in navigating student's challenging behaviors.
- Social Media Outreach: Provide examples of how we use social media to communicate program information and parent education resources.
- Strong Fathers (Head Start and school district)
Space is limited to 95. Team sizes are also limited.
Due to space limitations of the venue, we are prioritizing registrations to those who apply to do a poster presentation. There is space to describe your proposed poster on the registration/application form.
Priority registrations:
- Presenters (topic or poster)
- Collaborations or programming/services that address a need area in parenting education.
To Register for Symposium:
Registration closed.
Planning Team Members
Mike Brown, Early Learning Services (ECFE, Family Engagement, PreK-3rd, and School Readiness)
Jeanne Dickhausen, State Head Start Collaboration Director
Deb Landvik, Title I
Michelle Niska, English Language Education
External Guidance
Betty Cooke, MDE, U of M, retired
Charles Dixon, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Joanne Mooney, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Glen Palm, St. Cloud State University (retired)
Tom Scott, University of Minnesota
Megan Waltz, Minnesota Department of Health
Meeting Agendas & Notes
Series History
Lead. Learn. Build. Rigorous and Robust PreK-3 Family Engagement Systems
This professional development series consists of ongoing professional learning activities:
- May 5, 2016, Institute at the Minnesota Department of Education
- September 29, 2016, Institute at the Minnesota Department of Education
- Online Family Engagement Professional Learning Modules (created by and for Minnesota educators and leaders)
- June 8, 2017, Parenting Education Symposium
The overall goal of the series is to build and support leadership and educator competencies that result in the ability to implement effective, authentic family engagement systems. The professional learning modules provide us with a tool that districts can utilize for local implementation of family engagement systems.
Professionals from the organizations below have participated in one or more of the Family Engagement professional learning series opportunities.
Child Care
Baby's Space
Here We Grow Early Childhood Center, LLC
Montessori American Indian Childcare Center
Open Arms Child Development Center
Head Start
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington County (CAPRW)
Families First of Minnesota
Lakes and Pines Community Action
Minnesota Valley Action Council
Northwest Community Action
Parents In Community Action (PICA)
Reach-Up, Inc.
Three Rivers Community Action
Tri-County Community Action
Wright County Community Action
Higher Education
Metropolitan State
St. Cloud State University
University of Minnesota
Initiatives and Projects
Minnesota Oral Health Project
360 Communities
Austin Aspires
Center City Housing
Child Care Aware
Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL)
Growing Up Healthy
Invest Early
Keystone Community Services
Lakes Country Service Cooperative
Main Street Family Services
Midwest Child Development
Northside Achievement Zone
PACER Center
Reach Out and Read Minnesota
Simpson Housing Services
St. Paul Promise Neighborhood
Think Small
Thriving Together
United Way of West Central Minnesota
West Central Initiative
YMCA - Twin Cities
Public School Districts and Charters
Academia Cesar Chavez School
Aitkin Public School District
Alexandria Public Schools
Anoka-Hennepin Public School District
Austin Public School District
Barnum Public School District
Becker Public School District
Belle Plaine Public School District
Big Lake Public School District
Bird Island-Olivia Public School District
Bloomington Public School District
Brainerd Public School District
Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Public School District
Byron Public School District
Cambridge-Isanti Public School District
Cass Lake-Bena Public School District
Centennial School District
Chatfield Public School District
Chisago Lakes School District
Columbia Heights Public School District
Community School of Excellence
Cook County Public School District
Dassel-Cokato Public School District
DaVinci Academy
Delano Public School District
Detroit Lakes Public Schools
Duluth Public School District
East Grand Forks Public School District
Eastern Carver County Public Schools
Eden Prairie Public School District
Elk River Public School District
Fairmont Area School District
Faribault Public School District
Floodwood Public School District
Fosston Public School District
Glencoe-Silver Lake Public School District
Grand Meadow Public School District
Hastings Public Schools
Hibbing Public School District
Hill City Public School District
Hope Academy
Hopkins Public School District
Inver Grove Heights Public School District
Jordan Public School District
Kimball Public School District
Kingsland Public School District
Lake Superior Public School District
Le Sueur-Henderson Public Schools
Mahtomedi Public School District
Mankato Area Public Schools
Marshall Public School District
Medford Public School District
Midstate Education Cooperative
Milaca Public School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Minnetonka Public School District
Monticello Public School District
Moorhead Public School District
Mora Public School District
Mounds View Public School District
Mountain Lake Public School District
New Prague Public School District
New Ulm Public School District
North Branch Area Public Schools
North St Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale Public School District
Northwest Suburban Integration School District
Ogilvie Public School District
Orono Public School District
Ortonville Public School District
Princeton Public School District
Prior Lake-Savage Public School District
Red Lake Public School District
Redwood Area Schools
Richfield Public School District
Robbinsdale Area Schools
Rochester Public School District
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public School District
Roseville Public School District
Rothsay Public School District
Rush City Public School District
Sauk Rapids-Rice Public School District
Shakopee Public School District
Sibley East Public School District
South St. Paul Public School District
South Washington County Schools
Spring Grove Public School District
Spring Lake Park Public School District
St. James Public School District
St. Michael-Albertville Public School District
St. Paul Public Schools
Stillwater Public School District
STRIDE Academy
Waconia Public School District
Warroad Public School District
Watertown-Mayer Public School District
Wayzata Public School District
Westonka Public School District
West St. Paul-Mendota Heights Public School District
White Bear Lake Area Schools
Willmar Public School District
Windom Public School District
Worthington Public School District
State Agencies and Government
Governor's Early Learning Council
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Minnesota Department of Education
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Washington County
Watonwan County Family Service Collaborative
- Addiction/Substance Abuse
- American Indian Families
- Home Visiting
- Incarceration
- LENA Start
- MN Oral Health Project
- Parent Education in VPK
- ParentPowered Texts
- Parents as a Foundational Partner
- Primary Care
- Reach Out and Read
- Social Emotional Strategies Team
- Social Media Outreach
- Strong Fathers
Addiction/Substance Abuse
Celebrating Families
Click Here
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
Click Here
American Indian Families
Family Spirit
Click Here for website
Family Spirit is the first and only evidence-based family home visiting program developed by and for American Indians with Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Research. Specially trained para-professionals or nurses see families in their homes throughout pregnancy to the child’s third birthday delivering 63 lessons on prenatal care, parenting, health, substance use, nutrition and goal-setting. Home visitors utilize the healthy relationship they have with parents to model problem-solving and communication techniques. Participants are also linked to other resources in the community.
Johns Hopkins trains home visitors and oversees program implementation in over 100 sites nation-wide with continual growth. Currently in Minnesota, seven tribal communities offer the program, as well as one metro non-profit and a county in the NW with a high American Indian population. Others are interested in the program. MDH partners with Johns Hopkins to offer Family Spirit training as need arises. The next one is planned for October 2017 in Bemidji.
Please contact Karla with any questions.
su.nm.etats|ybros.rekced.alrak#ybroS rekceD alraK, MS Ed, RN, PHN
NW MN & Tribal Nurse Consultant | Family Home Visiting Section
Bemidji District Office – 705 5th St NW
Minnesota Department of Health
Home Visiting
Family Spirit
Family Spirit® is an evidence-based, culturally tailored home-visiting program of the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health to promote optimal health and wellbeing for parents and their children.
Click Here, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Mass Incarceration and Children’s Outcomes: Criminal justice policy is education policy
Click Here, by Leila Morsy and Richard Rothstein, December 15, 2016, Economic Policy Institute
More information on the Incarceration page on this website
LENA Start
LENA Start in ECFE: leveraging technology to close the word gap. LENA Start is a program to empower parents to build their child's language development. LENA Start Launches in Minneapolis Public Schools
LENA Start Poster
Click Here
LENA Start Handout
Click Here
Reach Out and Read
Cris Gilb: moc.liamg|67bligsirc#moc.liamg|67bligsirc
Amos Deinard: ude.nmu|100anied#ude.nmu|100anied
The Minnesota Oral Health Project team were pleased to be a part of the Parenting Symposium 2017 and would like to extend an offer to all participants for MNOHP staff to be a presenter at your parent groups/staff meetings or provide educational materials for your parents or staff about oral health. See our website, www.crushcavities.com and our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/minnesotaoralhealthproject for more information.
PACER Early Childhood Website
Click Here
For text updates,text “ECSE” to 51555
Judy Swett, Early Childhood Coordinator, PACER
Parent Education in VPK
Mi Yang: su.nm.21k.slpm|gnaY.iM#su.nm.21k.slpm|gnaY.iM
Parents as a Foundational Partner]
Here We Grow Early Childhood Center
Elizabeth Bangert, moc.liamg|cllworgewereh#moc.liamg|cllworgewereh
Social Emotional Strategies Team
Renee Lach, gro.eladr|hcal_eener#gro.eladr|hcal_eener
Making a difference with data: Simplifying the way early educators collect and analyze data is key to the success of children with and without emotional and behavioral challenges
Click Here
Social Media Outreach
April Larson, su.nm.21k.airdnaxela|nosralea#su.nm.21k.airdnaxela|nosralea
Social Media Outreach Poster
Click Here